Thursday, October 23, 2008


I subscribe to Suuri Käsityölehti and Novita (though Novita is payed by my future husband). Today, I decided to unsubscribe the Suuri Käsityölehti subscription because it's so expencive. Instead, i subscribed to Moda :D It's cheaper, and, I get a book called Koko perheen neuleet (Knittings for the whole family). Yeah!

Hmm, and, I started a new project (again). I wanted to do hairpin crochet, and I found a beautiful and a simple model from Suuri käsityölehti, 3/2008.

Though, I decided to do it in light green. This yarn is pure wool, so it tickles quite a lot! I'm not sure if I have enough yarn. If not, I'll use white or dark green instead.


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