Well, as they say, better late than never, so
This Christmas was the last one I spent at home. Of course I'm going to visit my parents every Christmas, but as a guest... I'm not feeling sad yet, but it'll be a big change to live with Jussi all year round instead of living with my parents. After all, I've been living home for almost 19 years already!
My parents still know what's a good xmas present for me :D My Dad actually bought me A SEWING MACHINE! No way! I'm soooo happy :D Till this, I've had to sew with my mother-in-law-to-be's sewing machine, but now..! Happy happy :)
Jussi bought me a book of quilting, and 3 skeins of yarn (as I told you before). He also payed Novita for one year :) He really knows what I like! <3 I didn't manage to knit the Paradoxical Mittens for Christmas, but Jussi said I gave him enough presents anyway :D So I just knit the mittens ready and give them to him when he needs them. Even if there's snow, it's not really cold in here yet...
And, guess what. I just HAD to start a new project (again). I bought 2 skeins of Novita Nalle, brown, and started to knit Panache while staying overnight at Jussi's home :D I'm already done half of it! So, that's about all I had to say this time :) Now we'll wait for new year's eve, then I'll go to Jussi again :)
And guess what... :)

Exactly 6 months! :) <3